Lowongan Kerja Security Euromedica Group

Lowongan Kerja Security Euromedica Group

Perusahaan: Euromedica Group

Lokasi: Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Tentang Perusahaan

EUROMEDICA Group mission is to keep expanding and rise above to become the best choice for an all-in-one beauty solution in the market. Through our portfolio of businesses, including European Slimming Centre, EUROSKINLAB, SKIN+, SLIM+ and FibreFirst, we are proud to be able to cater to a wide range of the market. We are also the only company in Indonesia that offers such a complete range of aesthetics, slimming services, and nutraceuticals. We use the latest technology from the USA and Europe for slimming and skin treatments, ensuring international standards of safety to deliver the best results for our clients. FDA approved, safe, and suitable for all skin types. With over 10 years of practice, research, and development, we are helping our customers with anything related to their health and beauty.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Deksripsi Kerjaan:

1. Melaksanakan Pengamanan secara menyeluruh dilokasi kerja.

2. Melaksanakan Tugas dan Fungsi sesuai dengan penempatan dilokasi masing-masing.

3. Melakukan pemeriksaan pada tamu yang akan masuk ke area kerja.

4. Memeriksa setiap Mobil / Motor yang masuk atau keluar.

5. Menjaga dan memelihara Asset dan Inventaris Perusahaan.

6. Menertibkan Parkir Mobil dan Motor pada saat parkir.

7. Anggota Bertanggung Jawab atas Tugas dan Fungsi, selama melaksanakan tugas.

8. Dapat mengendarai Mobil Matic maupun Manual

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